Lake Wales, FL – 9/2/2020: The “New-Normal” brought on by COVID-19 has driven many businesses to embrace technology in unprecedented ways.  The Kegel Training Center has expanded their offerings to new platforms and recently hosted their first Virtual Kegel Coaching Master’s Program (KCMP) class.  

By utilizing the Zoom video conferencing platform, the KTC coaches taught the course in its entirety online.  After four online sessions, the coaches then had the option to take the test online for their KCMP Direction diploma.

Traditionally, the test would be taken on paper with the students able to circle or write in their answers.  To accommodate this portion of the program, the KTC utilized Google Forms to create the test online in a shareable link that was distributed to the students. The KTC Staff thanks all participants for their eagerness to learn and willingness to adapt to make this first virtual course a success. 

The KTC congratulates all those who passed the test and is proud to recognize the first group of Virtual KCMP Graduates below. Each graduate will receive a diploma and listing on the KTC website showing what masters classes they have passed.  KTC plans to hold another Virtual Direction class before the end of the year.  KTC also plans to host, in person, the first class on Program #2: Speed and Release from November 13th – 15th. 

Our Virtual Direction graduating class is:

Jason Waters

Erin Beck

Gregg Taliercio

Eric Jang

Robert Alexander

Daren Knightsbridge

Ken Kasprzak

Iga Ryngwelska

Posted on September 30, 2020 .