A Bigger Sport Shot - Tips for Dealing with the Pandemic


A Bigger Sport Shot


Dean Hinitz, Ph.D.

“When we are no longer able to change a situation,

we are challenged to change ourselves.”

                                                                                                Victor Frankl, Author

To Our Kegel Family, Friends, and Team:

Bowling has taught us everything we need to learn in order to get through this challenging time. The oil has been changed. The line has moved. This sport shot is called the World Pattern. We are going to play it exactly like we play a difficult pattern that we haven’t yet experienced or mastered. You have what you need to succeed on this “shot. “

We are going to use this time to get better at life, and every single lesson you learn is going to work for you when the lights come on. All bowling is change. This includes strike lines, energy levels, emotional ups and downs, hits, misses, and resilience. Similarly, life is change.

As in bowling, we don’t want to spend one calorie of energy resisting inevitable change. If you can learn to embrace and adapt to change, you will be on the fast track to easing anxiety and concerns, and your relationships with everyone around you will be strengthened. You will certainly feel much stronger inside!

Translate the following to apply to bowling, competition, and to life—particularly in the present day:

1)     Focus on the part of the game that you control. You only control what you focus on, what you visualize, and what you execute in bowling. This is true for every shot. Similarly, these days, you can plan your day. You will decide what to read, how to do home drills, what exercises to do, who to connect with on facetime, and what you can do in school or work.

That’s it. If you focus on what has been lost, circumstances that cannot be changed, or blaming people, you will feel powerless and uncomfortable. Look for ways to be responsible for things you can put into action. Take positive action in any way that you can. You will like the result.

2)    Monitor your thought habits. When the lights come on your mind can race. You can think in catastrophic terms when things don’t go well. You can fear what might happen next.

Stop for a moment. Take a breath. Will yourself to be in the present moment. It doesn’t mean that you are being an ostrich with its head in the sand when you remember that you have already survived difficulties, hurts, disappointments, and scary times.

Remember that you are resilient, that you are capable of dealing with unknown circumstances, and that you have great connections and resources. You have strengths. You just probably haven’t been focusing on those strengths. 

3)    Maintain your connections. Don’t go at it alone. No one gets to the hall of fame on their own. Life demands that we have teammates, mentors, coaches, and a support crew.

Competing can be overwhelming, especially if you make the finals. We are in a sort of society game now. Changes in behavior, different rules, and closed bowling centers, can be overwhelming as well. Yes, this is big.

There may be no bigger purpose, or way to get through life, than with significant others. This is a time to deepen, fortify, and enrich, the special relationships we have. Your family, friends, and bowling mates are what will be your most important coping and growth mechanism.

It is true that this is a time of challenge and stress. You are being tested. You have what you need. You are supposed to come out of this better. You will focus on the moment and the day. You will take effective actions, and you can let the parts that are out of your control go. You are training for bowling, and you are training for life.

And we are with you.

The very best regards,

Dr. Dean Hinitz, and the entire team here at Kegel

“You have the power over your mind—not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.”  Marcus Aurelius, Roman Emperor and Stoic Philosopher

Posted on March 19, 2020 .

7 things this 46 year-old bowler would tell the 18 year-old JJ


Ruben JJ.jpg

1.       Get in the gym and start a good fitness routine:  I’ve had an above average career but back problems hindered what could’ve been an even better career.  You’re never too young to start getting into a good fitness and nutrition routine and in bowling you especially need flexibility, not the ability to bench press 400 lbs.  Focus on core (back), wrist and legs(knees).  Those are the three areas that see to hinder most bowlers when they get to my age.

You can’t win a tournament you don’t enter because you’re physically unable to perform.

2.       If you have the gift of speed and rev rate, hold onto it for as long as you can:  You need to learn to take hand out of it at times to maximize margin of area and steal a check, but don’t lose what you have.

Guys my age always say they’re glad they don’t have the speed and rev rate they did 15-25 years ago and besides....it would never be useful now.

Said no one ever…..

3.       Listen to a lot of respected coaches, pro shop operators and elite bowlers and then figure out and apply what works for YOU:  I haven’t seen a coach, elite player or pro shop operator that did everything right or one that I agreed with on all aspects of the game in terms of skill sets needed, lane play, equipment, physical game, ball fit, etc.  Some of the ones that were the “it” coaches/players/ball drillers then were not later as the game evolved 5, 10, 20 years down the road (while they didn’t), and that same cycle will more than likely continue. 

Always keep your mind open to change and never be afraid to try new things.

4.       Study and become a master of the mental game:  I didn’t spend enough time studying this in my younger years and it cost me a lot of money and tournament wins throughout my 20’s to early 30’s.  You’d be surprised how a strong mental game can allow you to compete with people that have way more physical talent than you have.

5.       Spend time learning the technical aspects of the game:  Learn what RG’s, Differential numbers, layouts, lane patterns, lane surfaces, oils and everything that is (and thrown) past the foul line you can and how it affects YOUR game.  Decision-making is now becoming a bigger and bigger part of your success or failure in bowling and that piece of the pie of success won’t get any smaller in time. 

You don’t have to be the most accurate or have the most power than everyone else to win, most of the time you just have to be a little smarter.  Learning those technical aspects will help you solve the puzzle faster than the rest of the field.

6.       Don’t worry about being a perfectionist, you’re going to fail way more than you succeed:  My experience shows if you win around 7% +/- of all the tournaments you enter at whatever level you compete at (local, PBA Regional, PBA National, etc.) you’ll probably end out in that respective Hall of Fame or maybe even be the GOAT.  If winning defines your happiness, you’re going to miserable more than 90% of your bowling life.  Enjoy the journey, and celebrate the victories because there won’t be as many as you might think.

Besides, your trophy case doesn’t define who you are as a person.

7.       Don’t burn bridges with major players in the industry:  As big as bowling is worldwide, the industry and the elite/competitive side is very, very small.   Word gets around fast about reputations, so be a person of high character and always do your best to do the right thing.  Taking the high road may be hard at times, but that respect goes a long way and pays dividends in the long run.

You’ll need a lot of help to get to the mountaintop, so it’s best to have as many people in your corner as possible.

Posted on December 29, 2018 .